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Team member's Profile

Richard Karlsson

Chief Executive Officer

Richard Karlsson

Richard Karlsson is the Chief Executive Officer. He is an independent expert and point of contact for integrity issues of our clients. He proactively advise our clients and prepare the recommendations they need to demonstrate the suitability of the often complex pipeline systems, emergency repair reports and other specialist advice matters. He has a guiding role and easily switch between clients. He is able to make great use of his established network and has an eye for potential opportunities. With his experience, he is an important source of information within our organization.

Skills & Personal Strengths

  • Thorough understanding of the process
  • Personality to communicate at all levels
  • Coaching skills
  • Ability to spot problems and advise accordingly
  • Sound working knowledge of all building services and their control systems
  • Commercial abilities and good negotiating skills

Qualifications & Training

  • Construction Skills Certification Scheme
  • CDM Regulations
  • Project Management with MS Project
  • IOSH Directing safely for SME