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Environmental, Social, and Governance

Natural gas and oil are abundant, reliable, and affordable energy sources that lift communities out of poverty and power modern life.

Wildcatter Energy also recognizes the impact of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on the quality of the natural environment and their contributions to climate change. We support ambitions to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and industry efforts to produce abundant energy, while lowering GHG emissions.

Wildcatter Energy is doing our part to mitigate our operational impacts by identifying cost-effective ways to be more environmentally responsible through our ESG journey. Simply put, we are committed to being environmentally responsible. Our approach is to align with our customers' environmental priorities and ESG strategies while we continue to work toward developing our own environmental solutions.

Ultimately, everything Wildcatter Energy does to improve our ESG performance is aimed at achieving our business goals. We appreciate your interest in learning how we are moving forward to minimize our impact on the environment, take care of our people, and promote strong corporate governance

As an industry leader, Wildcatter Energy is known for our numerous world records, including in extended-reach drilling, safety performance, and world-class standards for environmental protection.

Reducing Our Environmental Impact

We strive to reduce our environmental impact through the products and services we offer and how we operate as a company. At a minimum, we implement business practices that minimize pollution and incorporate life-cycle thinking into the design, manufacture, use, and end-of-life management of our products, including minimizing waste.