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Environmental, Social, and Governance

We regularly evaluate and update our governance to ensure our firm today stays true to our purpose, mission, and values.

Wildcatter Energy Engineering Services promotes strong corporate governance to strengthen all aspects of our business. Upholding our reputation for business ethics, integrity, and compliance will aid our efforts to advance both our financial and ESG performance going forward.

The Wildcatter Energy Engineering Services Board of Directors helps ensure that the company has and adheres to standards that promote effective decision-making and risk management.

Committed to the Highest Standards of Ethics and Integrity

We place the highest value on integrity and apply our continuous improvement mindset to earn and keep our reputation for integrity and ethical business conduct.

Employees must not only comply with the law and our policies, but must also set an example of ethical behavior and avoid even the appearance of impropriety. We communicate our commitment to the highest ethical and legal standards in our Code of Conduct.

Managing Enterprise Risk

Enterprise risk management (ERM) is a key governance process that informs Wildcatter Energy Engineering Services's strategic planning. Our robust ERM process is designed to identify, prioritize, mitigate, and manage the most significant risks to our business.

Robust Cybersecurity Program

As we continue to expand the use of digital technologies and services throughout our operations, Wildcatter Energy Engineering Services maintains a robust cybersecurity program designed to minimize cyber risk while protecting our people, processes, and technologies.

Our cybersecurity team provides governance and tracks progress based on Wildcatter Energy Engineering Services’s cybersecurity maturity level.

Internal Accounting Controls

Wildcatter Energy Engineering Services maintains an internal control framework to help ensure financial transactions are recorded in a manner consistent with generally accepted accounting principles, books and records are accurate, and that there is adequate oversight over Wildcatter Energy Engineering Services funds and assets.