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Team member's Profile

Eddie Kwan Mckinney

Building Surveyor

Eddie Kwan Mckinney

Working with the team, Eddie Kwan Lee is responsible for developing our proposed strategy and will continue with its development during the next stage. He undertakes a proactive approach to planning and through attention to detail and incorporates all elements of design and procurement relating to the project activities.

Skills & Personal Strengths

  • Good planning skills and full understanding of this impact of commissioning on the construction process
  • Critical path development
  • Forecast of labour levels on site
  • Analysis of material volume delivery
  • Risk analysis on key areas including off-site works

Qualifications & Training

  • BSc Hons Building Surveying
  • Construction Skills Certification Scheme
  • Asbestos Awareness Training
  • Project Management with MS Project

Professional Associations

  • Member of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors MRICS